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VIDEO! Vezi care sunt nominalizarile pentru premiile Oscar!

Cu o luna inainte de decernarea premiilor Oscar, Academia Americana de Film prezinta productiile care aspira la ravnitul premiu. A 83-a editie a Oscarurilor va avea loc pe 27 februarie la teatrul Kodak din Los Angeles

Nominalizariile au fost prezentate, marti, de catre presedintele Academiei, Tom Sherak si de catre actrita Monique, laureata a Premiului Oscar in anul 2010.

Ceremonia de decernare va fi prezentata de actorii James Franco si Anne Hathaway.

Iata nominalizarile pentru Premiile Oscar 2011:

Cel mai bun film - Vezi trailerele!

- Inception

- The Black Swan

- The Fighter

- The Kids Are All Right

- The King's Speech

- 127 hours

- The Social Network

- Toy Story 3

- True Grit

- Winter's Bone

Cel mai bun regizor

- Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan)
- David O. Russell (The Fighter)
- Tom Hooper (The King's Speech)
- David Fincher (The Social Network)
- Joel & Ethan Coen (True Grit)

Cel mai bun actor in rol principal

- Javier Bardem (Biutiful)
- Colin Firth (The King's Speech)
- James Franco (127 Hours)
- Jesse Eisenberg (The Social Network)
- Jeff Bridges (True Grit)

Cea mai buna actrita in rol principal

- Annette Bening (The Kids Are All Right)
- Nicole Kidman (Rabbit Hole)
- Jennifer Lawrence (Winter's Bone)
- Natalie Portman (Black Swan)
- Michelle Williams (Blue Valentine)

Cea mai buna actrita in rol secundar

- Amy Adams (The Fighter)
- Helena Bonham-Carter (The King's Speech)
- Melissa Leo (The Fighter)
- Hailee Steinfeld (True Grit)
- Jacki Weaver (Animal Kingdom)

Cel mai bun actor in rol secundar

- Christian Bale (The Fighter)
- John Hawkes (Winter's Bone)
- Jeremy Renner (The Town)
- Mark Ruffalo (The Kids Are All Right)
- Geoffrey Rush (The King's Speech)

Cel mai bun scenariu original

- Another Year
- Inception
- The Kids Are All Right
- The Kings Speech
- The Fighter

Cel mai bun scenariu adaptat

- Danny Boyle si Simon Beaufoy (127 Hours)
- Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network)
- Michael Arndt (Toy Story 3)
- Joel Coen si Ethan Coen (True Grit)
- Debra Granik (Winter's Bone)

Cel mai bun film de animatie

- Toy Story 3
- The Illusionist
- How To Train Your Dragon

Cea mai buna regie artistica

- Alice in Tara Minunilor
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
- Inception
- The King's Speech
- True Grit

Cea mai buna imagine

- Black Swan
- Inception
- The King's Speech
- The Social Network
- True Grit

Cele mai bune costume:

- Alice in Wonderland
- I Am Love
- The King's Speech
- The Tempest
- True Grit

Cel mai bun machiaj:

- The Way Back
- The Wolfman
- Barney's Version

Cel mai bun lungmetraj documentar:

- Exit through the Gift Shop
- Gasland
- Inside Job
- Resterpo
- Waste Land

Cel mai bun scurtmetraj documentar:

- Killing in the Name
- Poster Girl
- Strangers No More
- Sun Come Up
- The Warriors of Qiugang

Cel mai bun mixaj de sunet:

- Inception
- The King's Speech
- Salt
- The Social Network
- True Grit"

Cel mai bun montaj de sunet:

- Inception
- Toy Story 3
- Tron: Legacy
- True Grit
- Unstoppable

Cel mai bun montaj:

- Black Swan
- The Fighter
- The King's Speech
- 127 Hours
- The Social Network

Cel mai bun film strain:

- Biutiful (Mexic)
- Dogtooth (Grecia)
- In a Better World (Danemarca)
- Incendies (Canada)
- Outside the Law (Hors-la-loi) (Algeria)

Cel mai bun scurtmetraj:

- The Confession
- The Crush
- God of Love
- Na Wewe
- Wish 143

Cel mai bun scurtmetraj animat:

- Day & Night
- The Gruffalo
- Let's Pollute
- The Lost Thing
- Madagascar, carnet de voyage

Cele mai bune efecte vizuale:

- Alice in Wonderland
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
- Hereafter
- Inception
- Iron Man 2

Cea mai buna coloana sonora:

- How to Train Your Dragon - John Powell
- Inception - Hans Zimmer
- The King's Speech - Alexandre Desplat
- 127 Hours - A.R. Rahman
- The Social Network - Trent Reznor si Atticus Ross

Cel mai bun cantec:

- "Coming Home" din Country Strong - muzica si versurile de Tom Douglas, Troy Verges si Hillary Lindsey
- "I See the Light din Tangled" - muzica de Alan Menken, versuri de Glenn Slater
- "If I Rise" din 127 Hours - muzica de A.R. Rahman, versuri de Dido si Rollo Armstrong
- "We Belong Together" din Toy Story 3 - muzica si versurile de Randy Newman



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